At approximately 9:30am, Tuesday, May 31st, the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office received a report of an airplane that crashed into the Rogue River near Ennis Riffle boat ramp.
Rural Metro Fire, American Medical Response and the Josephine County Sheriff’s deputies were mobilized to the location after reports of occupants standing out on the wings of the aircraft.

A local rafting outfitter, OARS, was performing water rescue training in the area and after securing the plane to the bank were able to pick up the pilot and passenger and shuttle the two occupants over to the boat ramp prior to arrival of rescue teams.
Deputies learned that engine failure occurred around Hellgate Canyon and the plane glided to smooth waters above Ennis Riffle where a safe water landing was executed. Both occupants denied any injury upon receiving a medical evaluation.

Utilizing the assistance of a private boat operator that was on scene, Rural Metro Firefighters deployed absorbent booms and pads downstream of the crash site to capture what minimal fluid leaks might come from the wreckage. After an evaluation of the incident by the Sheriff’s Office, NTSB and FAA, the extraction of the craft was turned over to the pilot.
The FAA and NTSB have been contacted for follow up investigation in this matter.