Oregon House of Representatives Pen Letter to Gov. Brown… Urging Her “to Join California”

On Tuesday, June 15th, as COVID-19 restrictions ease nationwide and states surrounding Oregon reveal measures to re-open and Governor Brown continues stall easing restrictions, the Oregon House of Representatives released a statement to Governor Brown.  

“We urge you to join California today,” the statement reads “by re-opening Oregon immediately and rescind the COVID-19 emergency orders in the state.”   “Oregon does not need to be the most restrictive state on the West Coast.” the statement continues, “or one of the last states to re-open nationwide. Oregonians have sacrificed so much during this pandemic. We should recognize their contributions by re-opening the state at the same time as our neighbors….Oregonians have been through enough. They do not need to wait another day…It is time the state to return to normal by lifting emergency orders now.”  

As President Biden and Governor  Brown’s July 4th deadlines loom, as of June 18th, the state sits at 64.8% vaccinated, an increase of almost 10% in the past week after 4 weeks, a roughly 1% growth rate per week according to Oregon Health Authority data. Governor Brown continues to endorse the vaccination of the demographic with the highest survival rate of 99.997%, those 16-18 years old, through her “Take Your Shot, Oregon” campaign, encouraging Oregonians age 12 and older to get vaccinated for the chance to win money and education scholarships.  

As of Friday, June 18th, the state of Oregon has tested 5,242,201 individuals, an increase of 69,555 individuals in the past week and now, over 1,022,316 more people than the states 4,289,440 population. Of that 5,012,682 have tested negative for the novel COVID-19 virus and 299,074 have tested positive. Since the pandemic began, Oregon has recorded 2,206 new cases in the past week, and 206,299 total cases in the past year. Individuals hospitalized continues to stay steady with just 155 hospitalizations statewide in the past week, and now stands at 11,556. In the past week 24 deaths were recorded statewide, and Oregonians who have unfortunately succumbed to COVID-19 has now reached 2,750 in the entire state since the pandemic began.    

Curry County’s latest numbers as reported Friday June 18th, by the Oregon Health Authority, now reports testing 12,997individuals with 12,402 negative tests, 595 total positive COVID-19 tests and after adding 14 new cases in the last week has recorded 701 total cases and now 11 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services reported testing 15,458 individuals, with 14,002 negative results, after adding 8 new cases in the past week now reaching 1,456 total confirmed cases reported by Public Health, with 7 active cases, 1 current hospitalizations and 7 deaths.

Coos County to the north, reported testing 54,303 individuals last week with 51,667 negative results, adding 15 new cases in the past week with now 2,636 total positive cases and 37 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

Josephine County has seen significant increases in recent weeks has reported testing 88,178 individuals with 83,986 negative results, 4,192 total positive test results adding 58 new cases in the past week with now 3,575 total cases of COVID-19 and now 72 deaths.

Humboldt County, to the south of Del Norte County, which includes the Eureka area, reports 47 new cases in the past week with 4,462 total cases after testing 96,067 individuals, 4,327 recoveries, 199 hospitalizations, and now 48 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

Jackson County, which includes the Medford area, with a total population of 221,290, reports testing 255,996 individuals, 34,706 more people than the counties total population, with 238,582 negative test results, 17,414 positive results, and 11,518 total cases of COVID-19 with now 146 deaths as of Friday, June 18th.

Hospital Capacity and Usage:


Curry County:
