Thursday, July 1st, was the first day of freedom from COVID-19 health and safety restrictions in over a year after the state of Oregon became known as one of the most restrictive states as well as one of the last states to re-open.
On Friday, June 25th, Governor Brown signed an executive order “lifting all remaining COVID-19 health and safety restrictions issued under Oregon’s emergency statutes. Restrictions will be lifted when Oregon achieves a 70% first dose adult vaccination rate or on Wednesday, June 30th, whichever occurs sooner.”

Coming into the 4th of July weekend, the state vaccination rate slowed to less than 1% growth increasing only 0.8% in the past week. Last week the state sat at 65.5% vaccinated, and to date, now sits at 66.3% an increase of .08% in the past week after 4 weeks. 60.8% of all Oregonians are completely vaccinated, while 5.5% have received the first shot in the vaccination series.

As of Friday, July, 2nd, the state of Oregon has tested 5,439,057 individuals, an increase of 65,284 individuals in the past week and now 66,248 fewer than the week prior. Over 1,149,617 more people than the states 4,289,440 population has now been tested and of that, 5,136,027 have tested negative for the novel COVID-19 virus and 303,030 have tested positive. Since the pandemic began, Oregon has recorded 843 fewer cases than last week with just 1,248 new cases in the past week, and 209,035 total cases. Individuals hospitalized continues to stay steady with just 87 hospitalizations statewide in the past week, again 27 fewer than the week prior, and now stands at 11,757. In the past week 20 deaths were recorded statewide, and Oregonians who have unfortunately succumbed to COVID-19 has now reached 2,781 in the entire state since the pandemic began.

Curry County’s latest numbers as reported Friday July 2nd, by the Oregon Health Authority, now reports testing 13,526 individuals with 12,856 negative tests, 670 total positive COVID-19 tests and after adding 30 new cases in the last week has recorded 746 total cases and 12 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services reported testing 15,575 individuals, with 14,088 negative results, after adding 0 new cases in the past week now reaching 1,487 total confirmed cases reported by Public Health, with 11 active cases, 0 current hospitalizations and 8 deaths.
Coos County to the north, reported testing 55,179 individuals last week with 52,508 negative results, adding 13 new cases in the past week with now 2,671 total positive cases and 39 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
Josephine County has seen significant increases in recent weeks has reported testing 92,789 individuals with 88,326 negative results, 4,463 total positive test results adding 33 new cases in the past week with now 3,677 total cases of COVID-19 and now 72 deaths.
Humboldt County, to the south of Del Norte County, which includes the Eureka area, reports 52 new cases in the past week with 4,585 total cases after testing 98,119 individuals, 4,431 recoveries, 211 hospitalizations, and now 50 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
Jackson County, which includes the Medford area, with a total population of 221,290, reports testing 262,405 individuals, 41,115 more people than the counties total population, with 244,693 negative test results, 17,712 positive results, and 11,664 total cases of COVID-19 with now 148 deaths as of Friday, July 2nd.

Curry County Testing:

Statewide Testing: