This weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 4th and 5th, you can introduce a friend, child, co-worker or family member to fishing during Oregon’s free fishing days this weekend.

The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife offers Oregon residents and visitors the opportunity to explore and experience fishing, crabbing, clamming without the need for a license or tags on specific listed dates throughout the year.
During these two days, no fishing licenses or tags are required to fish, crab or clam anywhere in Oregon for both residents and non-residents.

Enjoy ODFW Free fishing, crabbing or clamming in Oregon on this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 4th and 5th.
Currently, crabbing is open coast wide in bays, beaches, estuaries, tide pools, piers and jetties along the entire Oregon coast and in the ocean.

Razor clamming is currently closed from Cape Blanco, north of Port Orford, to the California border because domoic acid toxin levels are above the closure limit.

Although no licenses or tags are required, all other fishing regulations apply including closures, bag limits and size restrictions. If you are fishing for salmon, steelhead or marine species like rockfish, remember to check the Fishing section of the Recreation Report for the zone you want to fish to find the latest regulations.
Enjoy the fun of fishing for free anywhere in the State of Oregon! Fishing regulations and bag limits still apply.