U.S. Highway 199 Re-Opened After Large Landslide Closes Hwy. 199 Near Hiouchi Thursday

U.S. Highway 199 was closed Thursday by the California Highway Patrol due to a landslide with ‘No estimated time for reopening’, late Thursday morning after the landslide occurred north of South Fork Road.

Crews worked relentlessly throughout Thursday, December 12th, to clear the roadway of a sizeable slide that blocked both directions of Hwy. 199 for several hours.

The California Highway Patrol and CalTrans notified the public that U.S. Highway 199 was re-opened to one lane traffic with traffic control at approximately 6:00pm Thursday evening as crews continued to remove large pieces of debris and material to ensure  the public’s sage passage through the area.

The highway’s status is subject to change and motorists should expect delays as traffic control is expected to remain in place 24/7 until further notice.