Detectives with the Rogue Area Drug Enforcement Team, with the assistance of the Oregon State Police SW Region Marijuana Team, Oregon State Police and Grants Pass DPS Narcotic Detection K9, arrested Migueal Angel Jauregui-Hernandez Wednesday afternoon, January 13th.
Jauregui-Hernandez is part of a drug trafficking organization that has been bringing large quantities of methamphetamine into Josephine County via California. The investigation into this drug trafficking organization has been ongoing by Rogue Area Drug Enforcement Team for several months.

After being followed coming into Oregon from California, Jauregui-Hernandez was stopped. During the stop, Grants Pass Department of Safety’s Narcotic detection K9, Match, alerted to the vehicle having illegal controlled substances. During a subsequent search of the vehicle, detectives located 15.9 pounds of crystal methamphetamine.
Jauregui-Hernandez was taken into custody and lodged in the Jackson County Jail. Drug Trafficking Organization’s are described as being complex organizations with highly defined command-and-control structures that produce, transport, and/or distribute large quantity of illegal controlled substances; in this case, methamphetamine.