On Monday, May 11th, Grants Pass Officers attempted to stop a tan Toyota pickup known to be driven by Justin Sager, that was believed to be involved in the theft of motorcycles and other property in the northeast area of Grants Pass.
The vehicle turned north on Beacon Drive and fled at a high rate of speed, running stop signs and going into oncoming lanes of travel. The primary officers terminated the pursuit in the interest of safety to the community.

Other Officers were able to locate the vehicle as it turned into a dead-end street and crashed into a parked car. The driver then fled on foot into a vacant field. Several officers from multiple agencies established a perimeter of the area to keep the suspect from continuing to flee.
Utilizing an Unmanned Aerial Surveillance device and a K9 unit, members of Grants Pass PD, Josephine County Sheriffs, and Oregon State Police were able to locate Sager in a large blackberry thicket. Sager was taken into custody without further incident.
Justin Sager was arrested and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on charges of Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle, Theft II, Felony Elude, Misdemeanor Elude, Reckless Driving, and Criminal Mischief II.