The Happy Camp/Slater fire continues to grow despite cooler and wetter weather conditions adding just 1.553 acres since Tuesday official report and has now charred some 150,230 acres. Fire Crews continue to take advantage of milder wind conditions and cooler temperatures adding containment of the fire which is now at 24% containment.
The Devil fire has also slowed considerably adding 326 acres since Tuesday evening update and now has burned 7,784 acres however remains at 18% containment.

Firefighters continue to make good progress holding and improving containment lines on both fires and most of the growth on the fire is due to backing and creeping.

With milder winds, cooler temperatures, and moisture in the area, fire crews are concentrating on tying in and securing firelines from Hwy. 199 into the Illinois Valley along the northwest flank of the fire, implementing structure protection plans by prepping and triaging amongst structures and communities while continuing tactical firing and blacklining in the Knopki Cr, areas west of Hwy. 199, and areas South of Holland Loop.

Evacuation Levels continue to remain unchanged after slowed fire activity allowed the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office Tuesday to reduce to LEVEL 1 “BE READY” for ALL residences located on US Hwy 199 from the Cave Junction City Limits to the Rough and Ready State Park to the south, including Westside Road to the west and Caves Hwy 46 to Chapman Creek Rd to the east as well as Holland Loop Rd. to the Hayes Cut-Off Rd.

U.S. Highway 199 continues to remain open to two-way through traffic in both California and Oregon. Drivers are reminded to use caution and slow for fire crews maintenance crews and law-enforcement and to be prepared for possible delays as fire conditions are ever-changing.