Governor Kate Brown announced Tuesday afternoon that she will convene a Special Session of the Oregon Legislature at 8:00am Wednesday morning, to take up proposed legislation to improve police accountability and address the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are at a unique moment in America,” Governor Brown said. “I am calling a special session to take up two urgent issues facing our state: the COVID-19 pandemic and police accountability. Several pandemic-related policies that I have implemented via executive order, including the temporary eviction moratorium and protecting CARES Act payments from garnishment, should be codified in statute.” Governor Brown said.
She went on to say that “the public’s call for significant police reform is too urgent to wait until the next regular legislative session. It’s imperative that the Legislature take action on these issues right away.”
The Governor added, “I expect to call a second special session later in the summer to rebalance our state’s budget. In the meantime, I will continue pressing Congress to support the state and local governments that are reeling from the economic downturn.
Unless the federal government takes action, states like Oregon could be forced to make significant cuts to schools, health care, and senior services.
“In the meantime, I am finalizing a list of $150 million General Fund savings for this biennium, to be released by the end of this week as part of my efforts to put Oregon’s budget on better footing.”