Domestic Disturbance Call Results in Arrest

Early Friday evening, January 24th, a report from a female caller was received by dispatch just before 6:15pm, regarding a disturbance occurring at a residence in Coos Bay.  

With deputies in route to the residence, several more 9-1-1 calls were received by an uncooperative male at the residence where the disturbance was occurring who was making threats to another subject at the residence.  

The male then called 9-1-1 a 3rd time, telling dispatchers there was blood everywhere and that law enforcement was no longer needed.  

The initial female reporting party called again and advised the male was the aggressor and said the male had thrown a bucket a feces on her.  

First responding deputies made contact with both the female caller and the male caller upon arrival to the scene, and quickly identified the male caller as 66 year old John R. Mauldin.  

The female was found to be uninjured and identified to deputies that the disturbance stemmed over a civil matter and after the situation had deescalated, Mr. Mauldin was advised on the civil eviction process and issued a verbal warning for his actions.  

As the Deputy returned to the patrol vehicle and just prior to leaving the property, Mr. Mauldin could heard yelling and items being thrown within the residence before the Deputy was advised by dispatch that the female just called 9-1-1 reporting John had thrown items at her and she was now being cornered in her room by Mr. Mauldin.  

Dispatch advised Deputies that Mr. Mauldin had also called 9-1-1 and hung up on the dispatcher as Deputies again made contact with Mr. Mauldin at the front door. Deputies discovered the female was now barricaded in her bedroom, and Mr. Mauldin began to walk back into the residence towards the room where the female was hiding.  

Mr. Mauldin then became uncooperative with Deputies as they detained him and was subsequently placed under arrest becoming increasingly uncooperative.  

Mr. Mauldin was eventually placed into a patrol vehicle and transported to Coos County Jail without further incident and booked on multiple charges including Misuse of 9-1-1, Initiating a False Report, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Resisting Arrest.