Curry County Sheriff’s Deputies Focused on Impaired Drivers

Starting Wednesday, December 13th, until January 1st, Curry County Sheriff’s Office deputies will conduct overtime saturation patrols focused on impaired driving. They will be looking for aggressive drivers and violations which tend to lead to impaired driving.

These patrols are funded solely through grant monies provided through the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association and Oregon Department of Transportation. This will be in conjunction with the nation-wide effort sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Grant Funding will provide additional overtime for Impaired Driving Saturation Patrols throughout the year for holidays and local Curry County special events. The Curry County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind motorists to drink/use recreational drugs responsibly and use designated drivers. Please help make our roads safe during the holiday season. Remember, “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving”.

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