Curry County has reported no new cases of COVID-19 this week bringing the total of confirmed cases to 4 with 4 recovered. Coos County to the north, recorded 14 new confirmed cases this past week, raising their total to 29 as now only 3 Oregon counties remain with no confirmed cases of the Coronavirus.

After a string of consecutive days without adding any new cases,Josephine County went into the week with 20 COVID-19 cases, however, 4 new confirmed case were added in the week which brings Josephine County to 24. Jackson County much like Josephine County went into the week with out a new case for multiple days and added NO new confirmed cases as of May 7th and remains at 49 total confirmed cases.
Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Officer Warren Rehwaldt, M.D., has reported one new cases in Del Norte County as of Thursday, May 7th, and now holds at 3 confirmed cases and 3 confirmed recoveries in Del Norte County for multiple consecutive days.
Humboldt County to the south of Del Norte County again went multiple days with no new cases, however, 1 new case have been was confirmed Wednesday May 5th, and the county now has 55 confirmed positive cases, with 52 recoveries and 5 hospitalizations.
State of Oregon Totals: