Coach Bavaro Talks Homecoming Football

With Homecoming having so many events throughout the week and our program wanting our kids to experience all that they can, it is challenging to keep the same schedule/routine and maintain structure that is so important to our student athletes. Credit to our team for staying focused on the task at hand coming our way this Friday night.

Our focus is to grow as a program in school, practices and game nights and paying attention to our record only distracts us from those goals. Don’t misunderstand me, it is nice being 5-0 going into homecoming, and credit goes to our players and my coaches for our being able to be where we are, but we want to continue to push forward.

BHHS Head Football Coach Bavaro

Going to tonight’s game we are a little dinged up, but thankfully nothing serious.

This week I think our preparation for Douglas went well. We know that Douglas will play hard and we need to start fast, match their physicality and continue to our goal of putting together 4 quarters of outstanding football.

The team is excited and ready to go, and I look forward to seeing our community filling the stands once again and pushing us to another win. #WinNow