Monday, March 3, 2025


Chetco Bar Fire Update – 09/01/2017

Thursday, August 31st, 2017, the Chetco Bar Fire update began with a new level 2 evacuation notice at approximately 10:00 PM in the Winchuck River area. The Chetco Bar Fire had blackened over 131,197...

Find Your Park

This Labor Day weekend, come join in on the 2nd Annual Find Your Park Crescent City events! Saturday, September 2nd there will be an array of activities at Beachfront Park for the whole family to...

Wedding Announcement

Tiffani Danielle Swift and Joshua Scott Owens of Brookings, Oregon, were joined in marriage at 4:00 pm on Saturday, the Nineteenth of August, Two Thousand and Seventeen. The newly married couple exchanged vows in a...

Chetco Bar Fire Update – 8/31/2017

The Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, the Chetco Bar Fire update was a brief breath of fresh air. As of approximately 9:30 PM Wednesday evening, the Chetco Bar Fire had blackened over 128,758 acres, showing...

BHHS Varsity Football Game Venue Change

Due to the poor air quality in the Grants Pass/Medford area and the Fire Fighters using the fields and locker rooms at BHHS, Atheltic Director Buell Gonzales, Jr. has announced that the Brookings-Harbor High...

Chetco Community Rain Dance

A RAIN DANCE ON THE WILD RIVERS COAST? YOU BETCHA! After more than two weeks of being under smoke and evacuation orders from the Chetco Bar Fire, the Rotary Club of Brookings-Harbor decided it's time...

Chetco Bar Fire Update – 8/30/2017

On Tuesday evening August 29th, 2017, authorities updated the Chetco Bar Fire situation. As of approximately 8:30 PM, the Chetco Bar Fire had blackened over 125,271 acres, adding more than 7,600 acres on Tuesday,...

Brookings-Harbor Food Bank – Emergency Hours

The Brookings-Harbor Food Bank has recently dedicated itself to meet local emergency needs and has extended their hours from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday indefinitely. They have also announced that the Food...

Weekly Business Tip – What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is the process used by for profit or not-for-profit organizations to establish direction and identify key steps needed to accomplish meaningful goals; where we’re going (priorities) and how we plan to get...

Chetco Bar Fire Update – 8/29/2017

On Monday evening August 28th, 2017, authorities updated the Chetco Bar Fire situation. As of approximately 8:30 PM, the Chetco Bar FIre had blackened over 117,670 acres, adding more than 9,000 acres on Monday. The...