Thursday, March 27, 2025


Man Drowns in Rogue River near Lobster Creek

Several 911 calls began to be received by the Curry County Sheriff’s Dispatch mid afternoon July 4th, regarding a drowning in the Rogue River at...

The Allure of Beachfront Living on the Oregon Coast

Step into the captivating world of beachfront living on the Oregon Coast, where the symphony of waves, the secrets whispered by polished stones, and the warm glow of bonfires intertwine to...

Bar Disagreement Leads to Arrest for Attempted Murder

Officers from the Medford Police Department were dispatched to a parking lot on Biddle Road regarding reports that a shooting had just occurred just after 7:30pm, Sunday evening,...

A Look Back at 2020… If You Dare

Coast Guard Rescues 3 After Fishing Vessel Capsizes A Coast Guard Sector North Bend MH-65 Dolphin aircrew, flying on a  routine training flight Tuesday evening, spotted the 38-foot...

81st Azalea Queen Selected

An evening of pomp and circumstance Saturday June 20th, came to a crescendo with the crowning of the 2020 Azalea Queen for the 81st time.

Oregon Governor Issues “Stay Home Save Lives” by Executive Order

On Monday, March 23, just before noon, Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued statewide Executive Order 20-12, effective immediately until further notice. This is a statewide order. Failure to comply...

Crabbing Re-Opens Along Southern Oregon Coast

  The Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife announced early Friday that recreational crab harvesting has now been re-opened along the southern Oregon Coast and is now open from...

Osiris Enters the World

Osiris Hisao Freelove arrived April 3rd, 2019, at 9:36 am, to Tim and Alyssa Freelove of Brookings, Oregon. Osiris entered the world at 7lbs 3oz and 19 inches long and was welcomed by Proud...

Round One is Behind Us….Atmospheric River on its Way

After the band of rain passed through southern Oregon and northern California yesterday, a brief break was expected last night and into early Saturday morning before the next band of precipitation comes through Saturday. An...

Weekend Wet Weather Systems Lined Up to Impact Area

A relatively wet pattern begins for northern California and the Pacific Northwest through the upcoming weekend. A late-season atmospheric river will take aim at southern Oregon and northern California this weekend. Heaviest rainfall rates are...