Brookings-Harbor School District School Closure Update

Oregon Governor Kate Brown has announced an extension to her mandate to close Oregon schools Wednesday afternoon to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The governor’s new orders mean that schools will be closed until April 28, 2020.

This is a trying time and the closure of our schools is a challenge. Please know we are doing all we can to plan for our students’ potential return and are looking for additional guidance from the Oregon Department of Education during this extended closure.

The School District will continue the food distribution of boxed or bagged food from the school district and distribute “snack packs” from the local food bank. See our website for information on dates and times.

Brookings-Harbor School District facilities will remain closed to students and most staff during the extended closure

While students are away from school, please help them understand the importance of this national health emergency by encouraging social distancing, good hand hygiene, avoiding people who are sick, and covering their coughs and sneezes. Gatherings of more than 10 people are not recommended by the U.S. government at this time.

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this constantly-changing situation. We are compiling resources on our website so you can quickly access information. You can access our BHSD COVID-19 information and resources page at

“I will be in touch with more information as soon as we have a plan to navigate this extended closure. Please do what you can to help prevent the spread of this virus.” Superintendent Chris Eberhardt said.