City of Brookings staff and consultants will be facilitating a Planning Advisory Committee meeting and Public Open House meeting to discuss the Airport.
As part of the Brookings Airport Master Plan Update the City of Brookings and consultants will conduct up to five Planning Advisory Committee Meetings and two Open Houses with members of the public and a select group of airport tenants, pilots, local & regional economic development interests, neighbors of the airport, and staff/representatives of the City to ensure a collaborative public involvement and master planning process that develops understanding, explores solutions, and provides a realistic and achievable implementation plan.
Planning Advisory Committee meeting #1 will be an interactive discussion between Planning Advisory Committee members and the Planning Team to develop a comprehensive understanding of the existing conditions of the Airport and aviation industry, identify and discuss any potential issues and opportunities, and establish the framework and outlook for finalizing the aviation forecasts that will ultimately be submitted to the FAA for approval.
The Open House, which will follow the Planning Advisory Committee meeting, will be an open forum to provide an opportunity for interested citizens and members of the public to review and comment on the information presented and discussed in PAC #1 as part of the Airport Master Plan.
Planning Advisory Committee meeting #1 will be held on March 3, 2020, at 6:00 pm and Open House #1 will begin at approximately 7:30 pm. The meetings will be held at Emergency Operations Center, Brookings City Hall, 888 Elk Dr, Brookings, OR. For more information contact Jay Trost at 541-469-1138.