On March 5th just before 2:00 pm, Medford Police were dispatched to a report of a holdup alarm at Mechanics Bank. Officers and detectives arrived on the scene and confirmed a robbery had occurred, but the suspect had fled the location in a vehicle.
Medford Police were informed the female suspect entered the bank wearing sunglasses, a medical-type face mask, and rubber gloves. The suspect approached a bank teller and presented a demand note indicating she had a weapon.

After the female suspect obtained the cash from the teller, she left the bank and was observed by a witness getting into a vehicle and leaving. This witness was able to provide the vehicle license plate and color. The suspect vehicle information was sent to local law enforcement agencies in an attempt to locate the suspect.
From the vehicle information, Medford Police learned the registered owner of the vehicle lived in the Klamath Falls area. The Oregon State Police and the Klamath Falls Police Department were contacted and informed of the case. They were requested to assist in locating the suspect. At approximately 3:00 pm Oregon State Police located and stopped the suspect vehicle on Lakeshore Drive near Klamath Falls. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.
The suspect was questioned about the robbery and a search of her vehicle revealed evidence associated with the crime. The suspect was transported and lodged at the Jackson County Jail.