According to a press release from Jackson County Public Health on Wednesday evening, March 24th, 2020, Jackson County Public Health learned about a situation where a possible positive COVID-19 case was on Delta Flight #4124 from Seattle to Medford, on March 18th, 2020.
When it comes to airline flights, the Centers for Disease Control is responsible for investigating communicable disease exposures, as many people on airline flights reside in other counties, states and even countries. They will work with the state and local public health entities on the investigations. When there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 on an airline, CDC will do the investigation, and will then share airline passenger’s contact information, that were close contacts, with the state public health department, who then provide that information to the local health department to investigate further and isolate/quarantine any individuals who may have been in close contact with the person.
Jackson County Public Health has been in contact with the Oregon Health Authority to report the information Jackson County Public Health learned through a press release out of Humboldt County. Jackson County Public Health reached out to Humboldt County Public Health for more information and California State Public Health returned the call. California State Department provided information that a possible positive case was on Delta flight #4124, from Seattle to Medford on March 18th.
At this time, Jackson County Public Health does not have a list of who would be a close contact on this flight from the OHA. Even though the overall risk for most individuals on this flight is low, out of an abundance of caution, JACKSON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH IS ADVISING PEOPLE FROM THE DELTA FLIGHT #4124, THAT FLEW FROM SEATTLE TO MEDFORD ON 3/18/20, TO QUARANTINE AT HOME FOR 14 DAYS. If you become symptomatic (fever, cough, or difficulty breathing), please contact your health care provider.
Jackson County Public Health continues to investigate this situation and is working to get flight information from the Oregon Health Authority in order to contact those that would be a close contact.
Most states have executive orders in place for residents to practice social distancing, which includes sheltering in place and to only travel for essential items (groceries and medical care). It is recommended that individuals cancel non-essential travel. People who travel via airlines there is an increased risk that you will be exposed to COVID-19 as more community-acquired cases are occurring across the United States, and it is harder to practice social distancing on airlines.