New 911 Program for Sheriff and Brookings Police

After months of hard work and dedication from many agencies and team members alike, the Curry County Sheriff’s Office and the Brookings Police Department dispatch centers now have Text-to-911 capability. Texting to 911 does not replace voice calls to 911 and texting to 911 should ONLY be used when you are unable to make a voice call to 911.

The widely used, Text-to-911 catchphrase is, “Call if you can, text if you can’t”. Please keep in mind that telecommunicators are able to gather information more quickly about the emergency, your location and what hazards responders may encounter if you call. If you are unable to place a voice call, Text to 911 is an option you can use to share this same information.

Text messages will be routed to the nearest dispatch center, based on a user’s cellular tower location. If needed, the text will be re-rerouted to the correct dispatch center for jurisdictional dispatch. Text-to-911 is not yet available in all of Oregon or Nationwide, so if you attempt to text 911 in an area outside of Curry County and the City of Brookings you will receive a ‘bounce back’ message directing you to make a voice call if there is no Text-to-911 service available.

For more information on Text-to-911 and where it is available, please visit

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