Two 5.8 Magnitude Tremors Part of Series of 36 quakes Off the Coast Tuesday

A series of 36 earthquakes shook off the Oregon and northern California coast beginning very late Monday evening with a 2.7 magnitude earthquake just 70 miles southwest of Eureka, California.

Beginning at 5:21am the first of 31 quakes, greater than 3.4 in magnitude, started a series of quakes that were recorded through out the day Tuesday.

The series of quakes off the Oregon coast all clustered within a few miles of each other on the Blanco fracture zone, approximately 250 miles northwest of Coos Bay, Oregon, and approximately 6 miles deep, with the first quake registering at 5:21am off of Oregon, and continuing almost hourly through out the day. 

The largest registered quake was two 5.8 tremors, five 5.5, one 5.3, two 4.9, two 4.5, and three 4.4 magnitude with the remaining quakes registering between 2.7 and 4.3 in magnitude.

A total of 4 of these 36 quakes were in northern California, between 20 and 60 miles off the coast southwest of Eureka, with the largest tremor being 3.6 in magnitude.

All of the quakes were considered shallow, with very little displacement and no tsumani warnings, alerts or tsunami waves were generated.