On Tuesday, May 26th, deputies with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office Marijuana Enforcement Team served one search warrant to investigate illegal cannabis cultivation. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife, CalCannabis, Humboldt County Code Enforcement and Humboldt County Environmental Health and HAZMAT Unit assisted in the service of the warrant according to a Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office press release.

One parcel was investigated during the service of the warrant. The parcel did not possess the required county permit and state license to cultivate cannabis commercially.
During the service of the warrant, deputies eradicated approximately 18,690 growing cannabis plants. Deputies seized and destroyed approximately 818 pounds of cannabis bud.

Assisting agencies found the following violations:Water diversion violation, Water pollution violation, Failure to label hazardous waste violation, Failure to close hazardous waste containers violation, Failure to report a hazardous materials release. Failure to prevent a hazardous waste release, Improper storage and removal of solid waste violation, Commercial cannabis ordinance violation, Building without a permit violation.
Additional violations with civil fines are expected to be filed by the assisting agencies.