The Curry County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch received a 911 call just before 8:30 pm Saturday evening, April 25th, from Kathryn Foster-Hunt, reporting that someone had just been shot in the upper left chest at her residence on Thimbleberry Road.
Dispatch advised all available Sheriff’s Deputies to respond and paged out Cal Or Life Flight Ambulance. Sheriff’s supervisors were contacted and responded to the scene as well. Dispatch provided Emergency Medical Dispatching until the ambulance arrived on the scene. The Gold Beach Police and Fire Department responded to assist.
Thirty-year-old Kenneth Michael John Kenney of Sweet Home Oregon was sitting in a recliner in the residence where he, his wife and baby were visiting family when a bullet came through the wall and struck him in the upper left chest area.

Deputies contacted the residence of Matthew Bailey on Thimbleberry Road about one hundred yards away from the victim residence and discovered that the shot had come from that residence. Five members of the Bailey family had been target practicing for a few hours when an apparent stray bullet entered through the wall of the residence where Kenney was at and struck him. Several firearms were seized from the Bailey residence for safekeeping at that time.
Kenney was transported to Curry General Hospital and later flown to Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene. The Curry County Sheriff’s Office has been advised that Kenney is in stable condition at this time.
The Curry County Sheriff’s Office is continuing to investigate and at this time there is no indication that the shot was intentional. A report will be generated and forwarded to the Curry County District Attorney for review.