Commissioner Court Boice to Pilot a Jerry’s Jets Boat in Event for Vets

Curry County Commissioner Court Boice has put together a great outing for veterans for 28 July 2019. Jerry’s Rogue Jet Boats contacted Commissioner Court and said they would donate use of a Jet Boat for the 64-mile Rogue River Tour!

Commissioner Boice will be the pilot on the trip! Commissioner Boice, Court has logged over 10,000 guest trips into the Rogue Wilderness by White Water Jet Boat since 1973 and has also been credited with many successful river rescues.

Curry County Commissioner Court Boice

“Jerry’s Jets, the McNair Family, Curry Veteran groups and I are all hoping this will start a great annual tradition… as long as I don’t get too old to ‘Pilot’ – NEVER!”, Commissioner Boice stated as he smiled from ear to ear. He added “We will be accepting donations from folks that want to contribute to this adventure. All proceeds will go to our Curry Kids, a thank you to our Veterans, and all those who care and support our Vets”!

If you know of a veteran who might want to go on this trip — there are only 50 seats available — please, Veterans, contact Commissioner Court Boice at for details and to be added to the first-come-first-served list.

Thanks for sharing this opportunity with any veteran that you feel could enjoy such a wonderful excursion that will take about 7 hours total for the tour.

On Friday, 26 July 2019, the departure time will be announced.

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