Four separate search warrants were executed at four different locations Monday and Tuesday, August 1st and 2nd, by both the Josephine Marijuana Enforcement Team and the Rogue Area Drug Enforcement regarding illegal marijuana grow sites.

During the execution of the warrants, more than 12,000 growing marijuana plants and over 10,000 pounds of processed marijuana was seized and destroyed.

In addition to the marijuana plants and processed marijuana, multiple firearms and over $400,000 in cash was seized. All of the properties involved had multiple water and electrical code violations which could result in the civil forfeiture of the properties.

34 year old Jesus Alcazar-Varelas, 28 year old Christopher James Clark, and 50 year old Blu Shayne McFadden were taken into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Unlawful Manufacturing of Marijuana, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, and Unlawful Delivery of Marijuana.

The investigation is ongoing at this time, and no further details are being released.