On Tuesday afternoon just before 1:30pm, the Curry County Sheriffs Office, Curry County Search & Rescue, Brookings Fire and Rescue and Cal Ore Life flight were dispatched to a report of a kayaker is distress in the area of Natural Bridges.
After arriving on scene, Brookings Fire, Curry County Sheriffs Office, Curry County Search & Rescue and Cal Ore Life flight hiked down to Thunder Rock Cove where the kayakers were located approx 200 feet down on the beach.
(courtesy USCG Chetco River Station)
Brookings Fire Captain Jeff Lee contacted the USCG Chetco River via mobile radio and guided the 47′ Motor Lifeboat to the scene. The shallow water became a problem as the Chetco River Motor Lifeboat stationed off shore and guided a USCG Helicopter to the scene where a rescue swimmer was lowered and deployed to assist due to the shallow water.

The rescue swimmer, who was lowered into the water by helicopter, then swam the kayakers out to the 47′ Motor Lifeboat where they were taken safely ashore, and dropped off at Station Chetco River where they were picked up by family members.