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Monthly Archives: October 2019

Bruins Repeat as the 3A/2A/1A-SD4 Special District 4 league Champions

BHHS head soccer coach and his undefeated 13-0, #3 OSAA ranked Bruins finished regular season play Tuesday afternoon in Coquille Tuesday and came away with 12-0 win over Coquille Red Devils in...

Hit and Run Seriously Injures Pedestrian

Early Wednesday morning, October 30th, the Illinois Valley Fire District and American Medical Response were dispatched to a traffic crash just after 1:40 am involving a pedestrian on Caves Hwy. 46 near...

Man Arrested on Multiple Charges after Chase

The incident began just before 4:00am Wednesday morning, October 30th, when Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputies were alerted to a suspicious vehicle parked along a hemp field southwest of Medford.

Brookings Curry Medical Center Emergency Room Set in Motion

Curry Health Network has announced the first steps towards a Curry Health Network Emergency Room in Brookings have been set in motion. Although a date has not yet been set, Curry Health...

Retired Brookings City Manager Gary Milliman Honored Again

Retired Brookings City Manager Gary Milliman was recognized for 45 years of service and was named a Life Member of his professional organization, the International City/County Management Association, at their annual conference...

2 Quakes Strike Off Coast of Brookings Monday

Early Monday morning, October 28th, an earthquake struck just 81 miles off of the coast of Brookings, Oregon. The 5.2 magnitude quake was just over 6 miles deep. Less...

Humboldt Residents to Lose Power Again Before It’s Restored

A large majority of Humboldt County residents remained without power Monday after PG&E implemented a Public Safety Power Shutoff around 10:30pm on Saturday morning, Oct. 26th according to information from the Humboldt...

Curry County Suicide Prevention and Awareness Council Forming

The Curry County Board of Commissioners recently passed Ordinance 19-12 which, effective January 14, 2020, amends the Curry County Code and creates a Suicide Prevention and Awareness Council. The...

Clear Skies and Cold Temps Forecast for Work Week

Clear skies and cold temperatures are expected across many of the interior valleys and higher elevations until mid-week. Very dry air and diminishing winds will allow temperatures to drop quickly overnight night...

Welcoming Brookings Police New K-9 Officer

Nova, a three year old female yellow lab is the Brookings Police Department’s newest addition to the canine program. Nova is a drug detection canine and has been trained to alert her...